What is real and how do you know? The words you're reading now seem to exist, to be actual objects persisting in some space, but is that /really/ true? If you were to bring your display right up to your eye you might find strips of LEDs lit up in various colors. Or perhaps if you were reading this on a CRT then you'd likely see rows of flickering lights. Maybe you instead opted to print this out; perhaps there'd be nothing but the residue of cyan ink. Are these all, in some sense, the same thing? What thing is that? Where is it, really?

Maybe this is all fancy nonsense. Who cares if the light, the glyphs, the letters, the words, the sentences, the paragraphs are "compound" objects lacking some intrinsics nature? The various substrates do, in fact, express something and that existent something can be enumerated, compared, recognized. Objective reality exists and it is "out there". All we have to do is internalize it, somehow. We can sample it with our various senses. We can capture how It Is in some somatic snapshot and extract truth from this.

Yet aren't our bodies themselves "out there"? Where does something "flip over" from Out There to In Here? And how can we know that it has been captured in and of itself without our exegesis, our meddling, our touch-ups and smudges?

Let's look at something I quite like.

Have Apate mesmerize you in full screen

It's named after the goddess of deceit. Is it a cube? You can read the source and say yes, but the source isn't the experience of it. Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's just this. Whatever it is, it's been on my mind for some time.