A web-based visualizer and toolchain for Wang tiles.
Hello dear reader and welcome to my blog. Here I'll post random articles once every 20 years or so. If you want to contact me then send an email to: jsc <at> demigods <dot> org. Those symbols provide passage to a device in my pocket that will inject your thoughts directly into my mind and is the best way to reach me.
But can DOOM run it?
A half-adder implemented in classic DOOM demonstrating Turing-completeness.
Booklog 2020
I read some books in 2020 and wanted to briefly talk about them.
Fault Oriented Debugging
Niche trick to abuse a simulator into giving useful debug information.
SanCov: Above and Below the Sanitizer Interface
Discussion on some aspects of the sanitizer interface provided by modern compilers.
ELVM: The Esoteric-Language Virtual Machine Compiler
Introduction to the ELVM project, including instructions for adding a new target.
The Tag System
Deep dive into the tag system and how to program it.
Expedition through an esoteric landscape
Series overview introducing the tag system.